Previous showcasing artists are encouraged to submit artwork(s) to the new and future call outs.
The theme for this Call Out is "UNLEASH YOUR CREATIVITY"
A Powerful global call out for all artists. 'Unleash your creativity!'
We are looking for artwork that expresses who you are as a Artist. Submit your best signature pieces, and unleash your inner child! Be fearless and expressive. Do not hold back. It is your time to Shine and be under the Spotlight for the World to see. Stand out from the rest. There is NO THEME so all types of submissions welcome are:
Abstracts, Portraits, Digital art, Landscapes, Photography, Figurative, Still life, Mixed media, Graffiti art, Street art.
In this call out everyone who submits will be showcased.
There is no right or wrong way for this theme. Feel free to express your art to the world and show us your creativity!
We are looking for abstracts, portraits, digital art, landscapes, photography, figurative, still life, mixed media, graffiti art, street art etc.
We want to see your artwork. All entries that follow the theme and abide by the general rules which can be found here will be accepted.
Submit your best pieces which express your creativity and flair.
3D sculptures and movies should not be submitted, only still images
Prizes / Reward
Every Artist who submits artwork is guaranteed to be featured in our '3D Innovative Art Gallery Experience' shown online. This is our promise to you. Click here to preview
Video will be available for downloading for personal use or linking back to Opulent Art Gallery for featuring.
Multiple winners may be chosen for certain prizes so get entering.
1st Prize
Golden Ticket Package - Only 1 Winner! (which includes the following worth over £200)
4 Artworks featured on Opulent Art Gallery's ARTSY page for 8 weeks for FREE! Click here for ARTSY Info
Includes extended social media promotion and free entry in the next call out
Solo Showcase Video and Feature Click here for Solo Showcase info
25 artworks featured in a solo showcase 3D video. 2 week showcase event on ARTSY
Personal International Art Buyers Catalogue featuring artist's artworks Click here for Catalogue info
Front cover image on Opulent Arts Global Art Magazine Click here for Magazine info
Artist of the Month - Inside the Artist's Mind Feature in the Opulent Art Global Art Magazine
2nd Prize
1 selected artist will have up to 4 Artworks featured on Opulent Art Gallery's ARTSY page for 4 weeks for FREE!
Includes extended social media promotion and free entry in the next call out
3rd Prize
1 selected artist(s) will become Opulent Art VIP Represented Artist feature free for 4 weeks.
VIP Representation includes extended social media promotion and free entry in the next call out. Artist profile page will also be added to Opulent Art website.
4th Prize
Selected artist(s) will be chosen for Artist of the Month - Inside the Artist's Mind Feature in the Opulent Art Global Art Magazine
All of the Artists artworks will receive widespread global recognition through extensive promotion on Opulent Art Instagram, Facebook & Tiktok pages on a rotating basis.
The entry fee is £15 GBP for 1 entry. £40 GBP for 3 entries. £60 GBP for 5 entries. £70 GBP for 7 entries. There is no return of any entry fees for late entries, incorrect submissions or entries that break the rules and are subsequently not entered into the call out.
Closing Deadline
The deadline for this Call Out is THURSDAY 2nd NOVEMBER 2023. All entries submitted to this call out after the deadline will not be entered and entry fees will not be refunded.
Deadline for this Call Out is THURSDAY 2nd NOVEMBER 2023.
3D Art Gallery Experience Group Showcase starts SATURDAY 18th NOVEMBER 2023
3D Art Gallery Experience Group Showcase ends SATURDAY 2ND DECEMBER 2023
Catalogue of Artworks launched online SATURDAY 25TH NOVEMBER 2023
How to enter
Use the relevant PayPal buttons below to make payment for the relevant number of artworks to be submitted to the call out. Once payment has been made, email Opulent Art (opulentartuk@gmail.com) with the images to be submitted along with details in the email to include:
PayPal email reference
Full name
Artist Name (if different)
Artwork Title(s) & dimensions
Artist website address
Facebook and Instagram links
JPG images of artworks as details in RULES
Do not submit Bio's, Artist Statements or any other info at this point.
If you have any questions about submitting artworks, please contact us.
Subscribe to our Artist Priority Email list to be kept up to date with future Call Out launches and get advance notice of future calls outs and new website feature launches