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Brad Nuorala

About the Artist

Brad Nuorala



Artsy Artist Buy Link from Opulent Art Gallery
Brad Nuorala

Brad's works express the many surfaces and structures of the urban landscape. He finds inspiration in facades of old and new buildings, honing in on thresholds, doorways, windows, and perspectives. Pavement, roadways and walls of buildings provide visual experiences that become “building blocks” for expression. As he explores the possibilities of creating images from these surfaces and architectural elements, he hopes to challenge the viewer to find pictorial unity within the various contrasts and tensions that prevail throughout the environments that we live in and experience every day.

Through Brad's paintings, he explores and uses architectural shapes that play against surfaces and active brush work, influenced by a variety of processes and techniques used to apply colour to canvas. Hard edges play against brushed and scraped surfaces and the physical act of painting plays against more controlled painted line and hard edge.

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