Sell Your ART on Artsy through Opulent Art
Artsy is huge online marketplace for art. Artsy connects 4,000+ galleries, art fairs, two-thirds of the world’s leading auction houses, and institutions. Over 100+ countries with more than 2.6 million global art collectors and art lovers from 190+ countries. Artsy attracts over 2.3 million unique visitors per month.
Artsy sells works by famous artists such as Damien Hirst, Yayoi Kusama & Jeff Koons.
Contact us for more information and to start selling your ART
Basic info shown below but contact us using the form below to get full details of selling your artworks with us.
Details and FAQs
Opulent Art Gallery ARTSY Page
Opulent Art's ARTSY link can be found here:
What or who is ARTSY?
Based in New York and formally known as ARTSY, Inc., they’re a huge online arts brokerage platform with considerable clout within the art industry. ARTSY is home to millions of art collectors, art buyers, and art lovers, with very high traffic count on their site. They are described as the “world’s top resource for buying, collecting, and learning about fine art.” Their estimated web traffic is just under 4.8M+.
ARTSY commands the lion’s share of the online art market. Their website receives millions traffic hits, which will certainly work to your advantage. In the art world, name recognition and sales have a strong correlation.
​​Do I have to sell exclusively with you? Can I continue to sell my artwork elsewhere?
We don't lock artists in any exclusive deals so you are still free to sell in other platforms if you do at present. All we ask is if you sell an artwork you have with us, just make sure you let us know so we can mark as sold or you can remove it and replace with another available artwork.
​How else will you promote me?
We will be featured in Opulent Arts regular social media posts and exposure. We also create artist Catalogues which are featured on our website and YouTube versions shown on our channel.
​How many works can I display?
25 or 60 Artworks (depending on package) currently will be displayed for sale for each Artist. Artworks can be hidden and changed so a regular rotation of artworks is possible by hiding or removing current artworks and submitting new artworks to replace them to keep your profile fresh.
What will I need to do in order to join?
You’ll need to contact Opulent Art using the form above